local http_request = require('./http.lua') local API = {} local API_KEY = require('./apikey.lua') local API_HEADER = { {'Content-Type','application/json'}, { 'api-key', API_KEY } } local STRAFESNET_API_URL = 'https://api.strafes.net/v1/' local ROVER_API_URL = 'https://verify.eryn.io/api/' local ROBLOX_API_URL = 'https://users.roblox.com/v1/' local ROBLOX_API_URL2 = 'https://api.roblox.com/' local ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_URL = 'https://thumbnails.roblox.com/v1/' local RANK_CONSTANT_A, RANK_CONSTANT_B, RANK_CONSTANT_C, RANK_CONSTANT_D, RANK_CONSTANT_E = 0.215, 0.595, 0.215, 0.215, 0.71 local t=tostring local r=function(n,nd) return tonumber(string.format('%.' .. (nd or 0) .. 'f', n)) end local GAMES={BHOP=1,SURF=2,[1]='bhop',[2]='surf'} local STATES={[0]='Default',[1]='Whitelisted',[2]='Blacklisted',[3]='Pending'} local RANKS={'New (1)','Newb (2)','Bad (3)','Okay (4)','Not Bad (5)','Decent (6)','Getting There (7)','Advanced (8)','Good (9)','Great (10)','Superb (11)','Amazing (12)','Sick (13)','Master (14)','Insane (15)','Majestic (16)','Baby Jesus (17)','Jesus (18)','Half God (19)','God (20)'} local STYLES_LIST={'Autohop','Scroll','Sideways','Half-Sideways','W-Only','A-Only','Backwards'} local STYLES={AUTOHOP=1,SCROLL=2,SIDEWAYS=3,HALFSIDEWAYS=4,WONLY=5,AONLY=6,BACKWARDS=7} setmetatable(STYLES,{__index=function(self,i) if type(i)=='number' then return STYLES_LIST[i] or 'Unknown' end if i=='a' then i='auto'elseif i=='hsw'then i='half'elseif i=='s'then i='scroll'elseif i=='sw'then i='side'elseif i=='bw'then i='back'end for ix,v in pairs(self) do if string.sub(ix:lower(),1,#i):find(i:lower()) then return self[ix] end end end}) setmetatable(GAMES,{__index=function(self,i) for ix,v in pairs(self) do if string.sub(tostring(ix):lower(),1,#i):find(i:lower()) then return self[ix] end end end}) API.GAMES=GAMES API.STYLES=STYLES API.STYLES_LIST=STYLES_LIST API.STATES=STATES API.ROBLOX_LOCATION_TYPES={ [0]='Mobile Website', [1]='Mobile In-Game', [2]='Website', [3]='Roblox Studio', [4]='In-Game', [5]='XboxApp', [6]='TeamCreate' } API.ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_SIZES={ [48]='48x48', [50]='50x50', [60]='60x60', [75]='75x75', [100]='100x100', [110]='110x110', [150]='150x150', [180]='180x180', [352]='352x352', [420]='420x420', [720]='720x720' } API.ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_TYPES = { AVATAR='avatar', BUST='avatar-bust', HEADSHOT='avatar-headshot' } -- insyri make this BTW -- use as local err, res = parseToURLArgs(), thanks golang for this idea function parseToURLArgs(tb) local function Err(err) return err, nil end local function Ok(res) return nil, res end if not tb then return Err('got nothing') end if type(tb) ~= 'table' then return Err('expected table, got '..type(tb)) end local str = '?' local index = 1 for key, value in pairs(tb) do if index == 1 then str = str..key..'='..t(value) else str = str..'&'..key..'='..t(value) end index = index + 1 end return Ok(str) end -- fiveman made these (converted to lua from python) function format_helper(a,b)a=tostring(a)while#a86400000 then return'>1 day'end;local c=format_helper(a%1000,3)local d=format_helper(math.floor(a/1000)%60,2)local e=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60))%60,2)local f=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60*60))%24,2)if f=='00'then return e..':'..d..'.'..c else return f..':'..e..':'..d end end -- [[ STRAFESNET API ]] -- -- Get rank string from rank point function API:FormatRank(n) return RANKS[1+math.floor(n*19)] end -- Get skill percentage from skill point function API:FormatSkill(n) return r(n*100,3)..'%' end function API:FormatTime(n) return formatTime(n) end -- Time from id. function API:GetTime(ID) if not ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/'..ID, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Time rank from id. function API:GetTimeRank(TIME_ID) if not TIME_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/'..TIME_ID..'/rank', API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- 10 recent world records. function API:GetRecentWrs(STYLE_ID, GAME_ID, WHITELIST_FILTER) if not STYLE_ID or not GAME_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({style=STYLE_ID, game=GAME_ID, whitelist=WHITELIST_FILTER}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/recent/wr'..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Time by map id. Sorted in ascending order. function API:GetMapTimes(MAP_ID, STYLE_ID, PAGE) if not MAP_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({style=STYLE_ID, page=PAGE}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/map/'..MAP_ID..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Get WR of map. function API:GetMapWr(MAP_ID, STYLE_ID) if not MAP_ID or not STYLE_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({style=STYLE_ID}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/map/'..MAP_ID..'/wr'..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Time by user id. function API:GetUserTimes(USER_ID, MAP_ID, STYLE_ID, GAME_ID, PAGE) if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({map=MAP_ID, style=STYLE_ID, game=GAME_ID, page=PAGE}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/user/'..USER_ID..res , API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- World records by user id. function API:GetUserWrs(USER_ID,GAME_ID,STYLE_ID) if not USER_ID or not GAME_ID or not STYLE_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({game=GAME_ID, style=STYLE_ID}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'time/user/'..USER_ID..'/wr'..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- User from id. function API:GetUser(USER_ID) if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'user/'..USER_ID, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Top ranked players, paged at 50 per page. function API:GetRanks(STYLE_ID,GAME_ID,PAGE) if not STYLE_ID or not GAME_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({style=STYLE_ID, game=GAME_ID, page=PAGE}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'rank'..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Get rank of user by their id. function API:GetRank(USER_ID,GAME_ID,STYLE_ID) if not USER_ID or not STYLE_ID or not GAME_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({style=STYLE_ID, game=GAME_ID}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'rank/'..USER_ID..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Get list of maps. function API:GetMaps(GAME_ID,PAGE) if not GAME_ID then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({game=GAME_ID, page=PAGE}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'map'..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- Get map by ID. function API:GetMap(MAP_ID) if not MAP_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', STRAFESNET_API_URL..'map/'..MAP_ID, API_HEADER) return response,headers end -- [[ CUSTOM ]] -- function API:GetMapCompletionCount(MAP_ID,STYLE_ID) if not MAP_ID or not STYLE_ID then return 'empty id' end local _,headers = API:GetMapTimes(MAP_ID,STYLE_ID) local pages = headers['Pagination-Count'] local res,h = API:GetMapTimes(MAP_ID,STYLE_ID,pages) if not res then table.foreach(h,print) end return ((pages-1)*200)+#res end --cool doggo function API:CalculatePoint(rank,count) return RANK_CONSTANT_A*(math.exp(RANK_CONSTANT_B)-1)/(1-math.exp(math.max(-700, -RANK_CONSTANT_C*count)))*math.exp(math.max(-700, -RANK_CONSTANT_D*rank))+(1-RANK_CONSTANT_E)*(1+2*(count-rank))/(count*count) end function API:Pad(str,n) n = n or 20 str = tostring(str) return str..string.rep(' ',n-#str) end function API:CalculateDifference(v1,v2) return math.abs(v1-v2) end function API:CalculateDifferencePercent(v1,v2) return math.abs((1-(v1/v2))*100)..'%' end function API:GetUserFromAny(user,message) local str = user:match('^["\'](.+)[\'"]$') local num = user:match('^(%d+)$') if str then local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromUsername(str) if not roblox_user.id then return 'User not found' end return roblox_user elseif num then local roblox_user = API:GetRobloxInfoFromUserId(user) if not roblox_user.id then return 'Invalid user id' end return roblox_user elseif user=='me' then local me=message.author local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromDiscordId(me.id) if not roblox_user.id then return 'You are not registered with the RoverAPI' end return roblox_user elseif user:match('<@%d+>') then local user_id=user:match('<@(%d+)>') local member=message.guild:getMember(user_id) local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromDiscordId(member.id) if not roblox_user.id then return 'User is not registered with the RoverAPI' end return roblox_user else local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromUsername(user) if not roblox_user.id then return 'User not found' end return roblox_user end -- if user=='me' then -- local me=message.author -- local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromDiscordId(me.id) -- if not roblox_user.id then return 'You are not registered with the RoverAPI' end -- return roblox_user -- elseif user:match('<@%d+>') then -- local user_id=user:match('<@(%d+)>') -- local member=message.guild:getMember(user_id) -- local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromDiscordId(member.id) -- if not roblox_user.id then return 'User is not registered with the RoverAPI' end -- return roblox_user -- elseif user:match('%d+')==user then -- local roblox_user = API:GetRobloxInfoFromUserId(user) -- if not roblox_user.id then return 'Invalid user id' end -- return roblox_user -- else -- local roblox_user=API:GetRobloxInfoFromUsername(user) -- if not roblox_user.id then return 'User not found' end -- return roblox_user -- end return 'Something went wrong (this should generally not happen)' end -- [[ ROBLOX / ROVER AND OTHER APIs ]] -- function API:GetRobloxInfoFromUserId(USER_ID) if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_API_URL..'users/'..USER_ID, API_HEADER) return response,headers end function API:GetRobloxInfoFromUsername(USERNAME) if not USERNAME then return 'empty id' end local err, res = parseToURLArgs({username=USERNAME}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_API_URL2..'users/get-by-username'..res, API_HEADER) if not response.Id then return 'no user found' end local response2 = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_API_URL..'users/'..response.Id, API_HEADER) return response2 end function API:GetRobloxInfoFromDiscordId(DISCORD_ID) if not DISCORD_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', ROVER_API_URL..'user/'..DISCORD_ID, API_HEADER) if not response.robloxId and response.error then return response,headers.error end local response2 = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_API_URL..'users/'..response.robloxId, API_HEADER) return response2 end function API:GetUserOnlineStatus(USER_ID) -- https://api.roblox.com/users/1455906620/onlinestatus if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end local response,headers = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_API_URL2..'users/'..USER_ID..'/onlinestatus', API_HEADER) return response,headers end function API:GetUserThumbnail(USER_ID,TYPE,SIZE) -- https://thumbnails.roblox.com/v1/users/avatar?userIds=1455906620&size=180x180&format=Png&isCircular=false if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end local _TYPE = self.ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_TYPES[TYPE] or 'avatar' local _SIZE = self.ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_SIZES[SIZE] or '180x180' local err, res = parseToURLArgs({userIds=USER_ID,size=_SIZE,format='Png',isCircular=false}) if err then return err end local response,headers = http_request('GET', ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_URL..'users/'.._TYPE..res, API_HEADER) return response,headers end return API