comment maps out

This commit is contained in:
dowoge 2023-01-07 16:22:30 -05:00
parent 293d940078
commit 6728a9769c

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@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
local discordia=require('discordia')
local API=require('./../strafes_net.lua')
-- local discordia=require('discordia')
-- local API=require('./../strafes_net.lua')
-- discordia.extensions()
-- API.MAPS={}
local function insert(t, value)
local start, ending, mid, state = 1, #t, 1, 0
-- local function insert(t, value)
-- local start, ending, mid, state = 1, #t, 1, 0
while start <= ending do
mid = math.floor((start + ending) / 2)
if #value.DisplayName < #t[mid].DisplayName then
ending, state = mid - 1, 0
start, state = mid + 1, 1
-- while start <= ending do
-- mid = math.floor((start + ending) / 2)
-- if #value.DisplayName < #t[mid].DisplayName then
-- ending, state = mid - 1, 0
-- else
-- start, state = mid + 1, 1
-- end
-- end
table.insert(t, mid + state, value)
-- table.insert(t, mid + state, value)
-- end
for _, game in next, API.GAMES do
if type(tonumber(game)) == 'number' then
local count = 0 -- add into the maps table afterwards
local maps = {}
local res, headers = API:GetMaps(game)
local pages = tonumber(headers['Pagination-Count'])
-- for _, game in next, API.GAMES do
-- if type(tonumber(game)) == 'number' then
-- local count = 0 -- add into the maps table afterwards
-- local maps = {}
-- local res, headers = API:GetMaps(game)
-- local pages = tonumber(headers['Pagination-Count'])
count = count + #res
-- count = count + #res
for _, v in next, res do
insert(maps, v)
-- for _, v in next, res do
-- insert(maps, v)
-- end
if pages > 1 then
for i = 2, pages do
res, headers = API:GetMaps(game, i)
count = count + #res
-- if pages > 1 then
-- for i = 2, pages do
-- res, headers = API:GetMaps(game, i)
-- count = count + #res
for _, j in next, res do
insert(maps, j)
-- for _, j in next, res do
-- insert(maps, j)
-- end
-- end
-- end
setmetatable(maps, {__index = function(self, k)
if k=='count' then return self.count end
-- setmetatable(maps, {__index = function(self, k)
-- if k=='count' then return self.count end
-- Just to make sure it goes in the right order
if type(k)=='string' then
for i = 1, self.count do
local v = self[i]
if type(v) == 'table' and v.DisplayName:lower():find(tostring(k:gsub('%%', '%%%%'):gsub('^%^', '%%^'):gsub('%$$', '%%$'):gsub('%(', '%%('):gsub('%)', '%%)'):gsub('%.', '%%.'):gsub('%[', '%%['):gsub('%]', '%%]'):gsub('%*', '%%*'):gsub('%+', '%%+'):gsub('%-', '%%-'):gsub('%?', '%%?')):lower()) then
return v
elseif type(k)=='number' then
for i = 1, self.count do
local v = self[i]
-- -- Just to make sure it goes in the right order
-- if type(k)=='string' then
-- for i = 1, self.count do
-- local v = self[i]
-- if type(v) == 'table' and v.DisplayName:lower():find(tostring(k:gsub('%%', '%%%%'):gsub('^%^', '%%^'):gsub('%$$', '%%$'):gsub('%(', '%%('):gsub('%)', '%%)'):gsub('%.', '%%.'):gsub('%[', '%%['):gsub('%]', '%%]'):gsub('%*', '%%*'):gsub('%+', '%%+'):gsub('%-', '%%-'):gsub('%?', '%%?')):lower()) then
-- return v
-- end
-- end
-- elseif type(k)=='number' then
-- for i = 1, self.count do
-- local v = self[i]
if type(v) == 'table' and v.ID==k then
return v
-- if type(v) == 'table' and v.ID==k then
-- return v
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end})
maps.count = count
API.MAPS[game] = maps
print('map init done for game:', API.GAMES[game], 'count:', API.MAPS[game].count)
-- maps.count = count
-- API.MAPS[game] = maps
-- print('map init done for game:', API.GAMES[game], 'count:', API.MAPS[game].count)
-- end
-- end