make function readable

This commit is contained in:
dowoge 2023-03-02 18:18:31 -05:00
parent 5acd5d61d9
commit 30d7ab628b

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@ -77,8 +77,20 @@ API.ROBLOX_THUMBNAIL_TYPES = {
-- use as local err, res = parseToURLArgs(), thanks golang for this idea -- use as local err, res = parseToURLArgs(), thanks golang for this idea
function parseToURLArgs(tb) local function Err(err) return err, nil end local function Ok(res) return nil, res end if not tb then return Err('got nothing') end if type(tb) ~= 'table' then return Err('expected table, got '..type(tb)) end local str = '?' local index = 1 for key, value in pairs(tb) do if index == 1 then str = str..key..'='..t(value) else str = str..'&'..key..'='..t(value) end index = index + 1 end return Ok(str) end function parseToURLArgs(tb) local function Err(err) return err, nil end local function Ok(res) return nil, res end if not tb then return Err('got nothing') end if type(tb) ~= 'table' then return Err('expected table, got '..type(tb)) end local str = '?' local index = 1 for key, value in pairs(tb) do if index == 1 then str = str..key..'='..t(value) else str = str..'&'..key..'='..t(value) end index = index + 1 end return Ok(str) end
-- fiveman made these (converted to lua from python) -- fiveman made these (converted to lua from python)
function format_helper(a,b)a=tostring(a)while#a<b do a='0'..a end;return a end -- function format_helper(a,b)a=tostring(a)while#a<b do a='0'..a end;return a end
function formatTime(a)if a>86400000 then return'>1 day'end;local c=format_helper(a%1000,3)local d=format_helper(math.floor(a/1000)%60,2)local e=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60))%60,2)local f=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60*60))%24,2)if f=='00'then return e..':'..d..'.'..c else return f..':'..e..':'..d end end -- function formatTime(a)if a>86400000 then return'>1 day'end;local c=format_helper(a%1000,3)local d=format_helper(math.floor(a/1000)%60,2)local e=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60))%60,2)local f=format_helper(math.floor(a/(1000*60*60))%24,2)if f=='00'then return e..':'..d..'.'..c else return f..':'..e..':'..d end end
function formatTime(time) -- chatgpt THIS IS FOR SECONDS! NOT MILLISECONDS
local hours = math.floor(time / 3600)
local minutes = math.floor((time % 3600) / 60)
local seconds = math.floor(time % 60)
local milliseconds = math.floor(((time % 1) * 1000)+.5)
if hours > 0 then
return string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)
return string.format("%02d:%02d.%03d", minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
-- [[ STRAFESNET API ]] -- -- [[ STRAFESNET API ]] --
@ -289,4 +301,24 @@ function API:GetUserThumbnail(USER_ID,TYPE,SIZE) --
return response,headers return response,headers
end end
function API:GetGroups(USER_ID)
if not USER_ID then return 'empty id' end
local response,headers = http_request('GET',string.format(ROBLOX_GROUPS_ROLES_URL,USER_ID))
return response,headers
function API:GetSensWithParams(ARGUMENTS)
local hasarg = false
for _,val in next,ARGUMENTS do
if val then
local err,res = parseToURLArgs(ARGUMENTS)
if err then return err end
local response,headers=http_request('GET',ROBLOX_SENS_DB..(hasarg and 'get' or 'get/all')..res)
return response,headers
return API return API