From 25b51d7d90606e38b448af659fc0148b912a40c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tommy aka doge <> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 23:41:16 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] officially delete the GARBAGE --- src/main.lua | 209 --------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 209 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/main.lua b/src/main.lua index fc5974e..9cbce72 100644 --- a/src/main.lua +++ b/src/main.lua @@ -1,212 +1,3 @@ --- local discordia = require('discordia') --- local ordinal = require('./modules/ordinal.lua') --- local token = require('./modules/token.lua') --- local APIKey = require('./modules/apikey.lua') --- local APIHeader = {{'api-key',APIKey}} --- local prefix = '%' --- local strafesurl = '' --- local cooldown = false --- local client = discordia.Client() --- discordia.extensions() - --- local t=tostring - --- local games={['bhop']=1,['surf']=2} --- local gamesr={[1]='bhop',[2]='surf'} --- local states={[0]='Default',[1]='Whitelisted',[2]='Blacklisted',[3]='Pending'} --- local ranks={'New (1)','Newb (2)','Bad (3)','Okay (4)','Not Bad (5)','Decent (6)','Getting There (7)','Advanced (8)','Good (9)','Great (10)','Superb (11)','Amazing (12)','Sick (13)','Master (14)','Insane (15)','Majestic (16)','Baby Jesus (17)','Jesus (18)','Half God (19)','God (20)'} --- local stylesr={'Autohop','Scroll','Sideways','Half-Sideways','W-Only','A-Only','Backwards',} --- local styles={['autohop']=1,['scroll']=2,['sideways']=3,['halfsideways']=4,['wonly']=5,['aonly']=6,['backwards']=7} - --- setmetatable(styles,{__index=function(self,i) --- if i=='a' then i='auto'elseif i=='hsw'then i='half'elseif i=='s'then i='scroll'elseif i=='sw'then i='side'elseif i=='bw'then i='back'end --- for ix,v in pairs(self) do --- if string.sub(ix,1,#i):find(i:lower()) then --- return self[ix] --- end --- end --- end}) --- local getUserID=function(message,name) --- if type(tonumber(name))=='number' then --- return name --- else --- return get(''['Id'] --- end --- message:reply('No user found') --- end --- local getUserInfoFromID=function(userid) --- local d={excludeBannedUsers=false,userIds={userid}} --- local res=post('',nil,json.encode(d))['data'][1] --- if not res then res=get(''..userid) end --- return res,json.stringify(d) --- end --- local getIdFromRover=function(message,userid) --- local idfromRover=get(''..userid) --- if not idfromRover.error then --- return idfromRover.robloxId --- end --- message:reply(idfromRover.error) --- return --- end --- local hasStrafesData=function(message,id) --- local info=get(strafesurl..'user/',APIHeader) --- if info.State then --- return true --- end --- message:reply('```User has no data with StrafesNET.```') --- return false --- end --- client:on('ready', function() --- client:info('yeah '.. client.user.tag) --- client:info('--------------------------------------------------------------') --- client:setGame({name='%help';type=2}) --- end) - - --- client:on('messageCreate',function(message) --- if then return end --- local content = message.content --- local author = --- local mentioned = message.mentionedUsers --- local mention = mentioned.first --- if content:sub(1,1)=='%'then --- local args = content:split(' ') --- -- [user lookup] --- if args[1]=='%test'then --- elseif args[1] == prefix..'user' and args[2] then --- if args[2]:find('@') or args[2]=='me' then --- local id=getIdFromRover(message,(mention and or --- if not id then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- if not hasStrafesData(message,id) then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- local info=getUserInfoFromID(id) --- local res=get(strafesurl..'user/',APIHeader) --- message:reply('```'' ('')\n''\n'..states[res.State]..'```') --- elseif args[2]~='me' and not args[2]:find('@') then --- local id=getUserID(message,args[2]) --- if not id then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- if not hasStrafesData(message,id) then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- local info=getUserInfoFromID(id) --- local res=get(strafesurl..'user/',APIHeader) --- message:reply('```'' ('')\n'..res.ID..'\n'..states[res.State]..'```') --- end --- elseif args[1]==prefix..'rank' and args[2] and args[3] and args[4] then --- if args[2]:find('@')or args[2]=='me'then --- local id=getIdFromRover(message,(mention and or --- local game=games[args[3]] --- local style=styles[args[4]] --- if not id then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- if not hasStrafesData(message,id) then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- local res --- local info --- local rinfo --- local s,e=pcall(function() --- res=get(strafesurl..'rank/''?style=''&game=',APIHeader) --/id?style=1&game=2 --- info=get(strafesurl..'user/',APIHeader) --- rinfo=getUserInfoFromID(id) --- end) --- table.foreach(rinfo,print) --- if not s then message:reply('style/game specified incorrectly i think')return end --- if not then --- message:reply('wait plz :pleading_face:') --- return --- end --- local userInfo={ --- id=id, --- displayName=rinfo.displayName, ---, --- style=stylesr[style], --- rank=ranks[math.floor((res.Rank*19)+1)], --- skill=math.floor(res.Skill*100)~=100 and string.sub(math.floor(((res.Skill*100)*1000+.5))/1000, 1, #'00.000')..'%' or '100.000%', --- placement=res.Placement, --- state=states[info.State], --- } --- message:reply('```Name: '..userInfo.displayName..' ('')\nStyle: ''\nRank: '..userInfo.rank..'\nSkill: '..userInfo.skill..'\nPlacement: '..ordinal(userInfo.placement)..'\nState: '..userInfo.state..'```') --- else --- local id = getUserID(message,args[2]) --- local game=games[args[3]] --- local style=styles[args[4]] --- if not id then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- if not hasStrafesData(message,id) then message:addReaction('❌') return end --- local res --- local info --- local rinfo --- local s,e=pcall(function() --- res=get(strafesurl..'rank/''?style=''&game=',APIHeader) --/id?style=1&game=2 --- info=get(strafesurl..'user/',APIHeader) --- rinfo=getUserInfoFromID(id) --- end) --- if not s then message:reply('style/game specified incorrectly i think')return end --- if not then --- message:reply('wait plz :pleading_face:') --- return --- end --- local userInfo={ --- id=id, --- displayName=rinfo.displayName, ---, --- style=stylesr[style], --- rank=ranks[math.floor((res.Rank*19)+1)], --- skill=math.floor(res.Skill*100)~=100 and string.sub(math.floor(((res.Skill*100)*1000+.5))/1000, 1, #'00.000')..'%' or '100.000%', --- placement=res.Placement, --- state=states[info.State], --- } --- message:reply('```Name: '..userInfo.displayName..' ('')\nStyle: ''\nRank: '..userInfo.rank..'\nSkill: '..userInfo.skill..'\nPlacement: '..ordinal(userInfo.placement)..'\nState: '..userInfo.state..'```') --- end --- elseif args[1]==prefix..'ranks' and args[2] and args[3]then --- local game=games[args[2]] --- local style=styles[args[3]] --- if not game or not style then message:reply('game/style specified incorrectly i think')return end --- -- message:reply(strafesurl..'rank?style=''&game=''&page='..(type(tonumber(args[4]))=='number'and args[4]or'1')) --- local res=get(strafesurl..'rank?style=''&game=''&page='..(type(tonumber(args[4]))=='number'and args[4]or'1'),APIHeader) --- local final='' --- for i,v in pairs(res) do --- local userStats=res[i] --- local rinfo=getUserInfoFromID(userStats.User) --- if not then --- message:reply('wait plz :pleading_face:') --- return --- end --- local userInfo={ --- id=userStats.User, --- displayName=rinfo.displayName, ---, --- style=stylesr[style], --- rank=ranks[math.floor((userStats.Rank*19)+1)], --- skill=math.floor(userStats.Skill*100)~=100 and string.sub(math.floor(((userStats.Skill*100)*1000+.5))/1000, 1, #'00.000')..'%' or '100.000%', --- placement=userStats.Placement, --- } --- final=final..(userInfo.placement)..string.rep(' ',10-#(tostring(userInfo.placement)))..' | '' ',' | '..userInfo.rank..string.rep(' ',17-#userInfo.rank)..' | '..userInfo.skill..'\n' --- end --- local'./rank.txt','w+') --- file:write(final) --- file:close() --- message:reply({file='./rank.txt'}) --- os.remove('./rank.txt') --- elseif args[1]==prefix..'maps' and args[2] then --- local game=games[args[2]] --- local page=type(tonumber(args[3]))=='number' and args[3] or 1 --- if not game then message:reply('game specified incorrectly i think')return end --- local res=get(strafesurl..'map?game=''&page=',APIHeader) --- local final='name | map maker | game | times loaded\n' --- for ix=1,#res do --Map name: | Creator: | Game: | Server loads: --- local v=res[ix] --- final=final..t(v.DisplayName)..string.rep(' ',32-#v.DisplayName)..' | '..v.Creator..string.rep(' ',24-#v.Creator)..' | '..gamesr[v.Game]..string.rep(' ',6-#gamesr[v.Game])..' | '..t(v.PlayCount)..'\n' --- end --- local'./map.txt','w+') --- file:write(final) --- file:close() --- message:reply({file='./map.txt'}) --- os.remove('./map.txt') --- elseif args[1]==prefix..'help'then --- message:reply('```rank