@echo off if "%1"=="" ( echo Please provide the input file as the first argument. goto :eof ) if "%2"=="" ( echo Please provide the scale as the third argument. goto :eof ) set input_file=%1 set scale_width=%2 if "%scale_width%"=="0" ( set scale_width=-1 ) set video_string="scale=%scale_width%:-1" if not "%3"=="" ( set video_string=%video_string%,colorkey=%3:0.1:0.1 ) set output_folder=dumped_frames if exist %output_folder% ( rmdir %output_folder% /Q/S ) mkdir %output_folder% ffmpeg -i %input_file% -nostats -loglevel 0 -vf "%video_string%,split[a][b];[a]alphaextract[am];[b][am]alphamerge" "%output_folder%/frame_%%04d.png" ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 "%output_folder%/frame_0001.png" > %output_folder%/frame_size.txt set /p frame_size=<%output_folder%/frame_size.txt echo Done, the images have been dumped to %output_folder% with frame size of %frame_size%.