using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace RobloxFiles
/// Describes an object in Roblox's DataModel hierarchy.
/// Instances can have sets of properties loaded from *.rbxl/*.rbxm files.
public class Instance
public Instance()
Name = ClassName;
/// The ClassName of this Instance.
public string ClassName => GetType().Name;
/// Internal list of properties that are under this Instance.
private Dictionary props = new Dictionary();
/// A list of properties that are defined under this Instance.
public IReadOnlyDictionary Properties => props;
/// The raw list of children for this Instance.
internal List Children = new List();
/// The raw value of the Instance's parent.
private Instance RawParent;
/// The name of this Instance.
public string Name;
/// Indicates whether this Instance should be serialized.
public bool Archivable = true;
/// The name of this Instance, if a Name property is defined.
public override string ToString() => Name;
/// A unique identifier for this instance when being serialized.
public string Referent { get; internal set; }
/// Indicates whether the parent of this object is locked.
public bool ParentLocked { get; internal set; }
/// Indicates whether this Instance is a Service.
public bool IsService { get; internal set; }
/// Raw list of CollectionService tags assigned to this Instance.
private List RawTags = new List();
/// A list of CollectionService tags assigned to this Instance.
public List Tags => RawTags;
/// The internal serialized data of this Instance's attributes
internal byte[] AttributesSerialize;
/// Internal format of the Instance's CollectionService tags.
/// Property objects will look to this member for serializing the Tags property.
internal byte[] SerializedTags
string fullString = string.Join("\0", Tags.ToArray());
byte[] buffer = fullString.ToCharArray()
.Select(ch => (byte)ch)
return buffer;
int length = value.Length;
List buffer = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
byte id = value[i];
if (id != 0)
if (id == 0 || i == (length - 1))
byte[] data = buffer.ToArray();
string tag = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
/// Returns true if this Instance is an ancestor to the provided Instance.
/// The instance whose descendance will be tested against this Instance.
public bool IsAncestorOf(Instance descendant)
while (descendant != null)
if (descendant == this)
return true;
descendant = descendant.Parent;
return false;
/// Returns true if this Instance is a descendant of the provided Instance.
/// The instance whose ancestry will be tested against this Instance.
public bool IsDescendantOf(Instance ancestor)
return ancestor.IsAncestorOf(this);
/// Returns true if the provided instance inherits from the provided instance type.
public bool IsA() where T : Instance
Type myType = GetType();
Type classType = typeof(T);
return classType.IsAssignableFrom(myType);
/// Attempts to cast this Instance to an inherited class of type ''.
/// Returns null if the instance cannot be casted to the provided type.
/// The type of Instance to cast to.
/// The instance as the type '' if it can be converted, or null.
public T Cast() where T : Instance
T result = null;
if (IsA())
result = this as T;
return result;
/// The parent of this Instance, or null if the instance is the root of a tree.
/// Setting the value of this property will throw an exception if:
/// - The parent is currently locked.
/// - The value is set to itself.
/// - The value is a descendant of the Instance.
public Instance Parent
return RawParent;
if (ParentLocked)
throw new Exception("The Parent property of this instance is locked.");
if (IsAncestorOf(value))
throw new Exception("Parent would result in circular reference.");
if (Parent == this)
throw new Exception("Attempt to set parent to self.");
RawParent = value;
/// Returns an array containing all the children of this Instance.
public Instance[] GetChildren()
return Children.ToArray();
/// Returns an array containing all the children of this Instance, whose type is ''.
public T[] GetChildrenOfType() where T : Instance
T[] ofType = GetChildren()
.Where(child => child.IsA())
return ofType;
/// Returns an array containing all the descendants of this Instance.
public Instance[] GetDescendants()
List results = new List();
foreach (Instance child in Children)
// Add this child to the results.
// Add its descendants to the results.
Instance[] descendants = child.GetDescendants();
return results.ToArray();
/// Returns an array containing all the descendants of this Instance, whose type is ''.
public T[] GetDescendantsOfType() where T : Instance
T[] ofType = GetDescendants()
.Where(desc => desc.IsA())
return ofType;
/// Returns the first child of this Instance whose Name is the provided string name.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
/// Indicates if we should search descendants as well.
public T FindFirstChild(string name, bool recursive = false) where T : Instance
T result = null;
var query = Children
.Where(child => child is T)
.Where(child => name == child.Name)
if (query.Count() > 0)
result = query.First();
else if (recursive)
foreach (Instance child in Children)
T found = child.FindFirstChild(name, true);
if (found != null)
result = found;
return result;
/// Returns the first child of this Instance whose Name is the provided string name.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
/// Indicates if we should search descendants as well.
public Instance FindFirstChild(string name, bool recursive = false)
return FindFirstChild(name, recursive);
/// Returns the first ancestor of this Instance whose Name is the provided string name.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
public T FindFirstAncestor(string name) where T : Instance
Instance ancestor = Parent;
while (ancestor != null)
if (ancestor is T && ancestor.Name == name)
return (T)ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.Parent;
return null;
/// Returns the first ancestor of this Instance whose Name is the provided string name.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
public Instance FindFirstAncestor(string name)
return FindFirstAncestor(name);
/// Returns the first ancestor of this Instance whose ClassName is the provided string className.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
public T FindFirstAncestorOfClass() where T : Instance
Type classType = typeof(T);
string className = classType.Name;
Instance ancestor = Parent;
while (ancestor != null)
if (ancestor is T)
return (T)ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.Parent;
return null;
/// Returns the first ancestor of this Instance which derives from the provided type .
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The Name of the Instance to find.
public T FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA() where T : Instance
T ancestor = null;
Instance check = Parent;
while (check != null)
if (check.IsA())
ancestor = (T)check;
check = check.Parent;
return ancestor;
/// Returns the first Instance whose ClassName is the provided string className.
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// The ClassName of the Instance to find.
public T FindFirstChildOfClass(bool recursive = false) where T : Instance
var query = Children
.Where(child => child is T)
T result = null;
if (query.Count() > 0)
result = query.First();
else if (recursive)
foreach (Instance child in Children)
T found = child.FindFirstChildOfClass(true);
if (found != null)
result = found;
return result;
/// Returns the first child of this Instance which derives from the provided type .
/// If the instance is not found, this returns null.
/// Whether this should search descendants as well.
public T FindFirstChildWhichIsA(bool recursive = false) where T : Instance
var query = Children
.Where(child => child.IsA())
T result = null;
if (query.Count() > 0)
result = query.First();
else if (recursive)
foreach (Instance child in Children)
T found = child.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(true);
if (found != null)
result = found;
return result;
/// Returns a string describing the index traversal of this Instance, starting from its root ancestor.
public string GetFullName()
string fullName = Name;
Instance at = Parent;
while (at != null)
fullName = at.Name + '.' + fullName;
at = at.Parent;
return fullName;
/// Returns a Property object whose name is the provided string name.
public Property GetProperty(string name)
Property result = null;
if (props.ContainsKey(name))
result = props[name];
return result;
/// Adds a property by reference to this Instance's property list.
/// A reference to the property that will be added.
internal void AddProperty(ref Property prop)
prop.Instance = this;
if (props.ContainsKey(prop.Name))
props.Add(prop.Name, prop);
/// Removes a property with the provided name if a property with the provided name exists.
/// The name of the property to be removed.
/// True if a property with the provided name was removed.
internal bool RemoveProperty(string name)
if (props.ContainsKey(name))
Property prop = Properties[name];
prop.Instance = null;
return props.Remove(name);
/// Ensures that all serializable properties of this Instance have
/// a registered Property object with the correct PropertyType.
internal IReadOnlyDictionary RefreshProperties()
Type instType = GetType();
FieldInfo[] fields = instType.GetFields(Property.BindingFlags);
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
string fieldName = field.Name;
Type fieldType = field.FieldType;
if (field.GetCustomAttribute() != null)
PropertyType propType = PropertyType.Unknown;
if (fieldType.IsEnum)
propType = PropertyType.Enum;
else if (Property.Types.ContainsKey(fieldType))
propType = Property.Types[fieldType];
if (propType != PropertyType.Unknown)
if (fieldName.EndsWith("_"))
fieldName = instType.Name;
if (!props.ContainsKey(fieldName))
Property newProp = new Property()
Value = field.GetValue(this),
Name = fieldName,
Type = propType,
Instance = this
AddProperty(ref newProp);
Property prop = props[fieldName];
prop.Value = field.GetValue(this);
prop.Type = propType;
Property tags = GetProperty("Tags");
if (tags == null)
tags = new Property("Tags", PropertyType.String);
AddProperty(ref tags);
return Properties;