using System.Xml; using RobloxFiles.DataTypes; using RobloxFiles.XmlFormat; namespace RobloxFiles.Tokens { public class Color3Token : IXmlPropertyToken, IAttributeToken<Color3> { public string XmlPropertyToken => "Color3"; private readonly string[] XmlFields = new string[3] { "R", "G", "B" }; public AttributeType AttributeType => AttributeType.Color3; public Color3 ReadAttribute(Attribute attr) => ReadColor3(attr); public void WriteAttribute(Attribute attr, Color3 value) => WriteColor3(attr, value); public static Color3 ReadColor3(Attribute attr) { float r = attr.ReadFloat(), g = attr.ReadFloat(), b = attr.ReadFloat(); return new Color3(r, g, b); } public static void WriteColor3(Attribute attr, Color3 value) { attr.WriteFloat(value.R); attr.WriteFloat(value.G); attr.WriteFloat(value.B); } public bool ReadProperty(Property prop, XmlNode token) { bool success = true; float[] fields = new float[XmlFields.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { string key = XmlFields[i]; try { var coord = token[key]; string text = coord?.InnerText; if (text == null) { text = "0"; success = false; } fields[i] = Formatting.ParseFloat(text); } catch { success = false; break; } } if (success) { float r = fields[0], g = fields[1], b = fields[2]; prop.Type = PropertyType.Color3; prop.Value = new Color3(r, g, b); } else { // Try falling back to the Color3uint8 technique... var color3uint8 = XmlPropertyTokens.GetHandler<Color3uint8Token>(); success = color3uint8.ReadProperty(prop, token); } return success; } public void WriteProperty(Property prop, XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node) { Color3 color = prop.CastValue<Color3>(); float[] rgb = new float[3] { color.R, color.G, color.B }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { string field = XmlFields[i]; float value = rgb[i]; XmlElement channel = doc.CreateElement(field); channel.InnerText = value.ToInvariantString(); node.AppendChild(channel); } } } }