using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using RobloxFiles.BinaryFormat; using RobloxFiles.BinaryFormat.Chunks; using RobloxFiles.DataTypes; using RobloxFiles.Utility; namespace RobloxFiles { public enum PropertyType { Unknown, String, Bool, Int, Float, Double, UDim, UDim2, Ray, Faces, Axes, BrickColor, Color3, Vector2, Vector3, CFrame = 16, Quaternion, Enum, Ref, Vector3int16, NumberSequence, ColorSequence, NumberRange, Rect, PhysicalProperties, Color3uint8, Int64, SharedString, ProtectedString } public class Property { public string Name { get; internal set; } public Instance Instance { get; internal set; } public PropertyType Type { get; internal set; } public string XmlToken { get; internal set; } public byte[] RawBuffer { get; internal set; } internal object RawValue; internal static BindingFlags BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase; // !! FIXME: Map typeof(ProtectedString) to PropertyType.ProtectedString when binary files are allowed to read it. public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary Types = new Dictionary() { { typeof(Axes), PropertyType.Axes }, { typeof(Faces), PropertyType.Faces }, { typeof(int), PropertyType.Int }, { typeof(bool), PropertyType.Bool }, { typeof(long), PropertyType.Int64 }, { typeof(float), PropertyType.Float }, { typeof(double), PropertyType.Double }, { typeof(string), PropertyType.String }, { typeof(Ray), PropertyType.Ray }, { typeof(Rect), PropertyType.Rect }, { typeof(UDim), PropertyType.UDim }, { typeof(UDim2), PropertyType.UDim2 }, { typeof(CFrame), PropertyType.CFrame }, { typeof(Color3), PropertyType.Color3 }, { typeof(Content), PropertyType.String }, { typeof(Vector2), PropertyType.Vector2 }, { typeof(Vector3), PropertyType.Vector3 }, { typeof(BrickColor), PropertyType.BrickColor }, { typeof(Quaternion), PropertyType.Quaternion }, { typeof(Color3uint8), PropertyType.Color3uint8 }, { typeof(NumberRange), PropertyType.NumberRange }, { typeof(SharedString), PropertyType.SharedString }, { typeof(Vector3int16), PropertyType.Vector3int16 }, { typeof(ColorSequence), PropertyType.ColorSequence }, { typeof(NumberSequence), PropertyType.NumberSequence }, { typeof(ProtectedString), PropertyType.String }, { typeof(PhysicalProperties), PropertyType.PhysicalProperties }, }; private void ImproviseRawBuffer() { if (RawValue is byte[]) { RawBuffer = RawValue as byte[]; return; } if (RawValue is SharedString) { var sharedString = CastValue(); if (sharedString != null) { RawBuffer = sharedString.SharedValue; return; } } if (RawValue is ProtectedString) { var protectedString = CastValue(); if (protectedString != null) { RawBuffer = protectedString.RawBuffer; return; } } switch (Type) { case PropertyType.Int: RawBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)Value); break; case PropertyType.Bool: RawBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((bool)Value); break; case PropertyType.Int64: RawBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)Value); break; case PropertyType.Float: RawBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)Value); break; case PropertyType.Double: RawBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((double)Value); break; default: break; } } private string ImplicitName { get { if (Instance != null) { Type instType = Instance.GetType(); string typeName = instType.Name; if (typeName == Name) { FieldInfo directField = instType .GetFields() .Where(field => field.Name.StartsWith(Name, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) .Where(field => field.DeclaringType == instType) .FirstOrDefault(); if (directField != null) { var implicitName = Name + '_'; return implicitName; } } } if (Name.Contains(" ")) return Name.Replace(' ', '_'); return Name; } } public object Value { get { if (Instance != null) { if (Name == "Tags") { byte[] data = Instance.SerializedTags; RawValue = data; } else { var type = Instance.GetType(); var member = ImplicitMember.Get(type, ImplicitName); if (member != null) { object value = member.GetValue(Instance); RawValue = value; } else { if (!RobloxFile.LogErrors) return false; Console.Error.WriteLine($"RobloxFiles.Property - No defined member for {Instance.ClassName}.{Name}"); } } } return RawValue; } set { if (Instance != null) { if (Name == "Tags" && value is byte[]) { byte[] data = value as byte[]; Instance.SerializedTags = data; } else { var type = Instance.GetType(); var member = ImplicitMember.Get(type, ImplicitName); if (member != null) { var valueType = value?.GetType(); Type memberType = member.MemberType; if (value == null || memberType.IsAssignableFrom(valueType)) { try { member.SetValue(Instance, value); } catch { if (!RobloxFile.LogErrors) return; Console.Error.WriteLine($"RobloxFiles.Property - Failed to cast value {value} into property {Instance.ClassName}.{Name}"); } } else if (valueType != null) { MethodInfo implicitCast = memberType.GetMethod("op_Implicit", new Type[] { valueType }); if (implicitCast != null) { try { object castedValue = implicitCast.Invoke(null, new object[] { value }); member.SetValue(Instance, castedValue); } catch { if (!RobloxFile.LogErrors) return; Console.Error.WriteLine($"RobloxFiles.Property - Failed to implicitly cast value {value} into property {Instance.ClassName}.{Name}"); } } } } } } RawValue = value; RawBuffer = null; ImproviseRawBuffer(); } } public bool HasRawBuffer { get { // Improvise what the buffer should be if this is a primitive. if (RawBuffer == null && Value != null) ImproviseRawBuffer(); return (RawBuffer != null); } } public Property(string name = "", PropertyType type = PropertyType.Unknown, Instance instance = null) { Instance = instance; Name = name; Type = type; } public Property(Instance instance, PROP property) { Instance = instance; Name = property.Name; Type = property.Type; } public string GetFullName() { string result = Name; if (Instance != null) result = Instance.GetFullName() + '.' + result; return result; } public override string ToString() { string typeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(PropertyType), Type); string valueLabel = (Value != null ? Value.ToString() : "null"); if (Type == PropertyType.String) valueLabel = '"' + valueLabel + '"'; return string.Join(" ", typeName, Name, '=', valueLabel); } public T CastValue() { object result; if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) result = Value?.ToString() ?? ""; else if (Value is T) result = (T)Value; else result = default(T); return (T)result; } } }