using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RobloxFiles.BinaryFormat;
using RobloxFiles.XmlFormat;
namespace RobloxFiles
/// Represents a loaded *.rbxl/*.rbxm Roblox file.
/// All of the surface-level Instances are stored in the RobloxFile's 'Contents' property.
public class RobloxFile : IRobloxFile
/// Indicates if this RobloxFile has loaded data already.
public bool Initialized { get; private set; }
/// A reference to the inner IRobloxFile implementation that this RobloxFile opened with.
/// It can be a BinaryRobloxFile, or an XmlRobloxFile.
public IRobloxFile InnerFile { get; private set; }
/// A reference to a Folder Instance that stores all of the contents that were loaded.
public Instance Contents => InnerFile.Contents;
/// Initializes the RobloxFile from the provided buffer, if it hasn't been Initialized yet.
public void ReadFile(byte[] buffer)
if (!Initialized)
if (buffer.Length > 14)
string header = Encoding.UTF7.GetString(buffer, 0, 14);
IRobloxFile file = null;
if (header == BinaryRobloxFile.MagicHeader)
file = new BinaryRobloxFile();
else if (header.StartsWith("
/// Creates a RobloxFile from a provided byte sequence that represents the file.
private RobloxFile(byte[] buffer)
/// Opens a Roblox file from a byte sequence that represents the file.
/// A byte sequence that represents the file.
public static RobloxFile Open(byte[] buffer)
return new RobloxFile(buffer);
/// Opens a Roblox file by reading from a provided Stream.
/// The stream to read the Roblox file from.
public static RobloxFile Open(Stream stream)
byte[] buffer;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
buffer = memoryStream.ToArray();
return Open(buffer);
/// Opens a Roblox file from a provided file path.
/// A path to a Roblox file to be opened.
public static RobloxFile Open(string filePath)
byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
return Open(buffer);
/// Creates and runs a Task to open a Roblox file from a byte sequence that represents the file.
/// A byte sequence that represents the file.
public static Task OpenAsync(byte[] buffer)
return Task.Run(() => Open(buffer));
/// Creates and runs a Task to open a Roblox file using a provided Stream.
/// The stream to read the Roblox file from.
public static Task OpenAsync(Stream stream)
return Task.Run(() => Open(stream));
/// Opens a Roblox file from a provided file path.
/// A path to a Roblox file to be opened.
public static Task OpenAsync(string filePath)
return Task.Run(() => Open(filePath));
/// Allows you to access a child/descendant of this file's contents, and/or one of its properties.
/// The provided string should be a period-separated (.) path to what you wish to access.
/// This will throw an exception if any part of the path cannot be found.
/// ~ Examples ~
/// var terrain = robloxFile["Workspace.Terrain"] as Instance;
/// var currentCamera = robloxFile["Workspace.CurrentCamera"] as Property;
public object this[string accessor] => Contents[accessor];